recipe for cooking carrot stew with Iranian saffron, Carrot stew with Iranian saffron, Carrot stew, Carrot stew with saffron, Local food, How to prepare carrot stew with Iranian saffron, Tips for cooking carrot stew with Iranian saffron, Cooking training with saffron

recipe for cooking carrot stew with Iranian saffron

This delicious and fragrant stew called carrot stew with Iranian saffron is a delicious and delicious Iranian stew that is cooked as follows. Follow the continuation of this cooking article in the cooking section of the rowhanisaffron site.

ingredients :

  • Meat = 250 grams
  • Carrots = 3 pcs
  • Onion = 1 piece
  • Tomato paste = 2 tbsp
  • Bukhara plum = as desired
  • saffron mixed with hot water= as needed
  • Salt and pepper = as needed
  • Turmeric = as needed
  • Lemon juice or verjuice = 1/2 cup

Instruction :

This delicious and fragrant stew called mandarin stew with Iranian saffron is a delicious and delicious Iranian stew that is cooked as follows. Follow the continuation of this cooking article in the cooking section of rowhanisaffron site.


Step 1:
Soak the plums in a bowl of water. Then chop the onions finely and fry in a saucepan with some oil or butter.

Step 2:
When the onions are light, put the pieces of meat in the pot. After changing the color of the meat, add turmeric, tomato paste, pepper and your favorite spices and fry together.

Step 3:
Now add some boiling water to the pot to cover the meats. Allow the meat to cook completely for about three hours.

Step 4:
Chop the carrots or grate them. In another frying pan, fry the carrots with some oil. At this stage of preparing carrot stew, if you wish, you can brew a little saffron and add it to the carrots.

Step 5:
When the carrot stew is cooked, you can add the carrots to the stew pot. Then pour the soaked plums, salt and brewed saffron into the pot. Let the stew cook for about half an hour.

Last step:
In the last 5 minutes of cooking stew, you should add lemon juice. You can use juice instead of lemon juice. Then serve the carrot stew in a serving dish and serve with pilaf, salads and pickles.

Important Notes:
– If you wish, you can add a small amount of cinnamon, a clove of garlic or garlic powder, curry powder and به to plum and carrot stew.

– Carrot stew is also prepared with pomegranate paste, which is about 2 tablespoons of pomegranate paste for the mentioned ingredients.

– The cooking time of this stew depends on the preparation time of meats and carrots. Meat and carrots can be pre-cooked and then fried with other ingredients. But it is recommended not to cook carrots because it sweetens the taste of stew. Of course, this is a matter of taste. If you like the stew sweet, you can add a little sugar to it in the last ten minutes.

– Carrot stew is prepared with mutton or beef. But this stew with turkey and chicken is also delicious and popular. The recipe for carrot stew with Tabrizi chicken is no different and you can repeat the same steps above. If you want to prepare this stew without meat, just remove the meat steps from the recipe.

– In preparing carrot stew, if you do not have access to stewed plums, you can add vinegar, lemongrass or green tomatoes. Be sure to test the acidity of the stew before adding the lemon, green tomatoes, vinegar, lemon juice and broth.

– If you do not like plums to be cooked with Tabrizi carrot stew, you can cook the plums separately with salt, sugar, cinnamon and a little water and serve with the stew.

– For more flavor, you can fry meat and carrots with a little cinnamon.

– Carrot stew is also prepared with cobs, which you should add while roasting meat and onions. For 250 grams of meat, a quarter of a clove is enough.

– If you wish, you can fry the tomato paste in the same frying pan after frying the carrots to make the paste more colorful and thick.