recipe for cooking chicken sandwich with Iranian saffron, Chicken sandwich with Iranian saffron, Chicken sandwich, Chicken sandwich with saffron, Local food, How to prepare chicken sandwich with Iranian saffron, Tips for cooking chicken sandwich with Iranian saffron, How to prepare different types of sweets, Cooking training with saffron

recipe for cooking chicken sandwich with Iranian saffron

This delicious and fragrant sandwich called chicken sandwich with Iranian saffron is a delicious Iranian sandwich that is cooked as follows. Follow the continuation of this cooking article in the cooking section of the rowhanisaffron site.

ingredients :

  • Chicken breast = 1 piece
  • A piece of baguette bread = 8 pieces
  • Mayonnaise = 3 tablespoons stuffed
  • Mustard sauce = 1 tablespoon red
  • Chopped parsley = 4 tablespoons
  • Red pepper = 1/2 teaspoon
  • Paprika powder = 1 tablespoon of jam
  • Hot onion = 1 tbsp
  • Butter = 20 grams
  • Tomatoes = as needed
  • Pickles = as needed
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 2 tablespoons
  • Salt, pepper and zucchini = as needed

Instruction :

To prepare this sandwich, we must first cook the chicken, then cook the chicken breast with hot onion, salt, pepper and zucchini and 2 glasses of water. After cooking the chicken, put the juice aside so that you can use it in preparing various soups.

Now chop the cooked chicken and add saffron, butter, half of the total amount of red pepper and half of the amount of paprika.
We fry the ingredients together so that the chicken tastes good and tastes good. If necessary, you can add a little salt to your chicken.
Now eat as much cucumber and tomato as you like. To make this delicious sandwich sauce, mix enough mayonnaise, mustard sauce, chopped parsley, the rest of the pepper powder and the rest of the paprika powder.
Now open the sandwich bread in the middle and empty the extra dough, then dip it in the sauce as much as you like.
Then we cover the sauce completely with chicken. Finally, I add pickles and tomatoes. Now our delicious and healthy sandage is ready.