recipe for cooking delicious mushroom food with Iranian saffron, Mushroom food with Iranian saffron, Mushroom food, Mushroom food with saffron, Local food, How to prepare mushroom food with Iranian saffron, Tips for cooking mushroom food with Iranian saffron, How to prepare different types of saffron

recipe for cooking delicious mushroom food with Iranian saffron

This delicious and fragrant food called delicious mushroom dish with Iranian saffron is a delicious Iranian food that is cooked as follows. Follow this cooking article in the cooking section of rowhanisaffron site.

ingredients :

  • Mushrooms = 500 g
  • Colored bell peppers and chicken breast = 1 each
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 3 soupspons
  • Soy sauce = 3 soupspons
  • Chicken juice = half a cup
  • Salt, pepper and thyme = as needed
  • Hot onion and onion of each = half a cup

Instruction :

First, chop the chicken breast into small pieces and fry them. Slice and fry the mushrooms and fry the bell peppers with a little onion.
Then mix all the ingredients together in a saucepan, add hot onion, soy sauce, saffron chicken broth and spices and mix well and let it cook on low heat for about 15 minutes.
Then pour in the desired dish and decorate with molded rice and serve.

point :
You can also use leeks instead of onions.
You can also use peas and corn as you wish.