recipe for cooking delicious wild apple marmalade with Iranian saffron, wild apple marmalade with Iranian saffron, wild apple marmalade, wild apple marmalade with saffron, Local food, How to prepare wild apple marmalade with Iranian saffron, Tips for cooking wild apple marmalade with Iranian saffron, How to prepare different types of saffron

recipe for cooking delicious wild apple marmalade with Iranian saffron

This delicious and fragrant marmalade called wild apple and saffron marmalade is a delicious Iranian marmalade that is cooked as follows. Follow this cooking article in the cooking section of rowhanisaffron site.

ingredients :

  • Apple tree = 1 kg
  • Sugar = 1 kg
  • Water = 4 to 5 glasses
  • Cinnamon stick = 3 pieces
  • cardamom = as needed
  • Raisins and sliced almonds = as needed
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = as needed
  • Lemon juice = 2 tablespoons

Instruction :

Wash and peel the apples and chop them finely. In a saucepan, mix the sugar and water, add the apples and put them on the stove over medium heat until the water boils.

Then turn down the heat and let the apples cook slowly. I also added cardamom and cinnamon after boiling and let the jam cook and mash slowly for two hours.

Then I added the dissolved almonds, raisins and saffron and left it for another half an hour for our wild apple apple marmalade to be cooked and softened.

Finally, I added lemon juice and left the forest apple marmalade in the same pot for a few hours until it cools and hardens. I took a glass of bran and keep it in the refrigerator.