Nazkhatun Gilani stew, Nazkhatun stew, Gilani Nazkhatun stew with saffron, local food, how to prepare Nazkhatun Gilani stew with saffron, tips for cooking Nazkhatun Gilani stew with saffron, how to prepare different types of stew, cooking training with saffron,Recipe for cooking Gilani Nazkhatun stew with saffron

Recipe for cooking Gilani Nazkhatun stew with saffron

Nazkhatun is one of the most delicious local dishes in northern Iran in Gilan. This food is one of the most popular foods in other parts of the country.

ingredients :

  • Salt and pepper = the amount needed
  • Garlic = 4 seeds
  • Saffron = 1/2 teaspoon
  • Eggplant (medium) = 10 pcs
  • Vegetables (including mint and parsley) = 750 grams
  • Meat (without bones and fat) = 1 kg

Instruction :

Meat in a bowl with water, Boil onions and salt and other favorite additives. Eggplants should be grilled for this dish Of course, depending on your taste or time, they can also turn red.

It is enough to wash the eggplants to grill them And place on a direct flame So that their skin burns completely and their brains are cooked.

Then take them from their stick and hold them under cold tap water to separate their skin.
Then beat the eggplants And mash them thoroughly with a meat grinder After the meat is cooked, add the eggplants And fry the vegetables in a separate bowl And add to the food and let it cook well.

Finally, add the spices to the food And mix the chopped garlic with it And pull to serve in a suitable dish.

The amount of garlic is determined by your temperament and you can Even use a little garlic powder instead of garlic.

Some northern parts add water to this dish If you wish, add half a glass of juice to the food.

Adding saffron or turmeric is not on the main recipe But adding them will give your food a special color and smell.

The presence of grilled eggplant gives a very special and delicious taste to this food.