recipe for cooking orange stew with Iranian saffron, Orange stew with Iranian saffron, Orange stew, Local food, How to prepare orange stew with Iranian saffron, Tips for cooking orange stew with Iranian saffron, How to prepare different types of stew, Cooking training with saffron

recipe for cooking orange stew with Iranian saffron

This delicious and fragrant stew called orange stew with Iranian saffron is a delicious Iranian stew that is cooked as follows. Follow this cooking article in the cooking section of rowhanisaffron site.

ingredients :

  • Orange = 6 pcs
  • Chicken medium = 1 pcs
  • Butter = 50 grams
  • Sugar = 2 soupspons
  • Saffron = in small quantities
  • Pistachio slices = 2 to 3 soupspons
  • Salt = as needed

Instruction :

Cut the chicken into small pieces and fry in a little butter.
Then add the sliced ​​and bitter bit of an orange peel to the chicken with one to two glasses of water and salt and let it cook.
Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.
Add sugar and saffron and cook for a few minutes so that the oranges are not crushed.

When you put the stew in the dish, pour the pistachio slices on it.

Properties of oranges
1. Stomach tonic and anti-flatulence.
2. Used for softness and beauty of the skin.
3. If you put dried orange peel in the heater, it will eliminate the bad smell of cigarettes.
4. You can use oranges for a proper weight loss diet.
5. Decoction of orange leaves is useful for washing swellings and reducing pain.
6. Orange peel and thin slices between the inside of the orange is the best medicine to lower blood cholesterol.
7. It is a blood thinner and is therefore the best way to get rid of pimples.
8. It is anti-toxin, diuretic and breast emollient and anti-emetic.
9. Prevents pancreatic cancer.
10. Eating oranges is antispasmodic and sedative.
11. Orange juice in one-year-old children accelerates the eruption of teeth.