recipe for cooking sohan sesame with Iranian saffron, Sohan Sesame with Iranian Saffron, Sohan Sesame, Local food, How to prepare Sohan Sesame with Iranian saffron, Tips for cooking Sohan Sesame with Iranian saffron, How to prepare a variety of sweets, Cooking training with saffron

recipe for cooking sohan sesame with Iranian saffron

This delicious and fragrant sweet called Sohan sesame with Iranian saffron is a dessert ice cream or a delicious Iranian sweet that is cooked as follows. Follow the continuation of this cooking article in the cooking section of the rowhanisaffron site.

ingredients :

  • Sesame = 1/5 cup
  • Sugar = 1 cup
  • Honey = 3 tablespoons
  • Oil = 2 tablespoons
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 1 tablespoon

Instruction :

Pour the sugar, honey and oil into a small bowl and place over a gentle heat until the ingredients are completely dissolved and golden.

Then add the saffron and finally add the sesame and sometimes, stir until the sesame is slightly golden.

Grease the tray and pour a small amount of scraper on the tray to test. If it closes immediately and is brittle under the teeth, the razor is ready.

Turn down the heat until the scraper is just warm.

Then pour the scraper into the tray with a tablespoon of jam and decorate it with pistachio powder.

After cooling, remove the scraps from the tray and store in a sealed container, away from moisture and heat.