recipe for cooking chicken fillet stuffed with Iranian saffron, Stuffed chicken fillet with Iranian saffron, stuffed chicken fillet, stuffed chicken fillet with saffron, local food with Persian saffron, how to prepare stuffed chicken fillet with Iranian saffron, tips for cooking stuffed chicken fillet with Iranian saffron, how to prepare Types of fillets, cooking lessons with saffron,recipe for cooking stuffed chicken fillet with Iranian saffron

recipe for cooking stuffed chicken fillet with Iranian saffron

This delicious and fragrant dish called stuffed chicken fillet with Iranian saffron is a delicious Iranian dish that is cooked as follows. Follow the continuation of this cooking article in the cooking section of rowhanisaffron site.

ingredients :

  • Chicken fillet = 4 pieces
  • Hot onion = half a cup
  • Barberry = half a cup
  • Chopped walnuts = 1 cup
  • Salt, black pepper and turmeric = as needed
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 2 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce = 1 tbsp
  • Olive oil = 2 tablespoons
  • Medium sliced onion = 1 piece
  • Lemon juice = 1 tbsp
  • Liquid oil = as needed

Instruction :

Beat the fillets with a meat grinder so that they do not tear, and season with onion, soy sauce, saffron, olive oil and some black pepper and leave in the refrigerator for two hours, then add lemon juice and salt and set aside.

Roast barberry and walnuts with hot onion and add some salt, pepper and turmeric.

After cooling, put the ingredients in the fillets, roll them and sew with floss or toothpicks, and fry them in hot oil in a cast iron pan over a low flame.