Recipe for delicious dessert of milk halva with saffron, types of halva with milk, Ramadan halva milk, milk dessert, Ramadan dessert, delicious milk halva dessert

Recipe for delicious dessert of milk halva with saffron

Halva has a special place in the Iranian confectionery tradition and how to cook it is one of the criteria for cooking and confectionery skills.
We know that halva is prepared in different ways and can have different flavors. Wheat flour halva, halva with rice flour, carrot halva, halva with milk powder, halva with spices, milk halva and…. In this text, we read about milk halva with wheat flour, the method of preparation of which is not much different from ordinary halva, but in terms of nutrition, it has a higher value than the halva that is prepared with water.
Since the nutritional value of this type of halva is high, milk halva for iftar during Ramadan can be a more suitable option and also as a snack for children and teenagers, it is very nutritious and energetic.

ingredients :

  • White flour = 125 g
  • Butter = 50 grams
  • Liquid oil = 75 g
  • Milk = 1 cup
  • Sugar = 100 grams
  • Rose = 1 tablespoon
  • Cardamom = 1 teaspoon
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 1 tbsp

Instruction :

In the first step, to prepare milk halva, we must prepare milk syrup and saffron. Put the milk on the flame to boil, then add the sugar to dissolve in the milk.
Turn off the flame and add the cardamom and saffron. Set aside to cool.
Sift the wheat flour or pastry flour and pour it into the pan. Roast a little to get the raw smell.
Add the liquid oil and butter to the fried flour and fry the flour.
Fry the flour until golden. You know that the dark or light color of the halva depends on the amount of flour being fried, so the amount of frying depends on your taste. In order for the flour not to burn at this stage, it must be eaten continuously.
Once the flour is fried, remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly. Then add the milk and saffron syrup along with the rose.
Put the milk halva on the flame again and stir quickly until the halva gathers.
Decorate the prepared milk halva in any way you want. You can also mold halva with any type of mold.
For example, you can pour this milk halva into a plastic jelly mold and leave it in the refrigerator to cool and take hold.
Halva is easily removed from the mold due to its high fat content. You can also use halva capsules to serve and bloom it with a funnel inside the capsule.

Key tips for making milk halva:
– If you want to put halva in a funnel and decorate it with a tube, do so while it is still hot.
– Sift the halva flour to help you have a light and tender halva.
– If you don’t like cardamom seeds in halva, add the syrup smoothly and add to the halva, but the presence of cardamom seeds makes the halva flavor double.
– If you make the syrup the night before, it will make the halva more fragrant.