recipe for sohan almond honey with Iranian saffron,Almond Honey Sohan with Iranian Saffron, Almond Honey Sohan, Almond Honey Sohan with Saffron, Local Food, Almond Honey Sohan with Iranian Saffron, Tips for Cooking Almond Honey Sohan with Iranian Saffron, How to prepare different types of saffron

recipe for sohan almond honey with Iranian saffron

This delicious and fragrant dessert called Sohan almond honey with Iranian saffron is a delicious Iranian dessert that is cooked as follows. Follow this cooking article in the cooking section of rowhanisaffron site.

ingredients :

  • Almond slices = 1 glass
  • Sugar = 1/2 cup
  • rosewater = 1/2 cup
  • Butter = 80 grams
  • Honey = 5 tablespoons
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 3 teaspoons
  • Pistachio powder = for decoration

Instruction :

To start, pour sugar, honey and rose into a saucepan and turn down the heat.
Now mix the mixture until it boils and then little by little it thickens and becomes a little golden. Now that the golden yeast has been added, make sure that the heat is gentle, otherwise the butter will burn. Now I will mix the yeast until the butter. Melt and mix evenly.
Then we add sliced ​​almonds and melted saffron to the ingredients. Now we mix continuously but very slowly so that the slices do not break. Don’t be.
Whenever the color of the ink darkens to our desired level, we pour a very small amount of the ink into a bowl of cold water with a spoon. If it catches on its own and hardens, our razor is ready. Place on a pre-greased dish. Be careful to do this step quickly because the yeast inside the pot hardens very quickly.
Most importantly, be careful not to burn yourself as it is extremely hot.
Garnish with a pistachio powder before firming.