recipe Of Carrot marmalade with Iranian saffron
Jams and marmalades are among the delicious foods that are very popular and in addition to having a special place in breakfast, you can also serve and decorate a variety of cakes and sweets. We know that there are many types of marmalade and it can be prepared with almost all fruits and even many vegetables. Due to the special place of marmalade in breakfast, in this article, we decide to teach the method and trick of preparing homemade carrot marmalade. It is not difficult to prepare delicious homemade carrot marmalade, but if the tips and principles of preparation are not followed, we will face problems such as sugaring, turbidity and mold.
ingredients :
- Coarse carrots = 1 kg
- Sugar = 1 kg
- rosewater = 1/2 cup
- Ground cardamom = 1 tbsp
- Fresh lemon juice = 1 tbsp
- saffron mixed with hot water concentrated = 1 tsp
- Quince seeds = 1 tbsp
- Water = 1 cup
Instruction :
Step 1: After washing and peeling the carrots, put them in a suitable dish and cook with a pint of water. Carrots should be cooked until completely soft (extra water should be drawn)
Step 2: Pour the cooked and cooled carrots into the mixer to form a puree. (This can also be done with an electric fork or meat grinder.) As you can see, these are the first two steps with the jam preparation method. Carrots are different.
Step 3: Pour the carrot puree in the pot and add the sugar and let the sugar dissolve. Add cardamom and saffron and let the carrot marmalade thicken.
Step 4: Mix the seeds Quince with a small amount of water and put it on the steam of the kettle until it becomes completely jelly. Add the jelly to the carrot marmalade until it thickens.
Step 5: At the end of the work, add rose water and lemon juice and remove the marmalade from the heat. After cooling, pour the marmalade into a glass jar.
Important Notes:
– To prepare carrot marmalade or any other type of marmalade, you can use gelatin powder or sheet instead of Quince seeds. To make marmalade with gelatin, you have to dissolve the gelatin powder in water by Ben Marie method and then add the dissolved gelatin to the marmalade. (The gelatin sheet should be soaked in a little cold water and after softening, add it to the marmalade and remove from the heat.)
– To ensure that the marmalade is not moldy, you can boil the jam jar in water before use and then pour the marmalade into it. (You can even close the container tightly after filling it and put it in boiling water and boil it for a few minutes)
Be careful that marmalade, like jam, should not be watery and thin, in which case it will become moldy. Also, if the sugar is high, it hardens and the sugar closes.
To prevent the jam or marmalade from becoming sugary, it is better not to stir it too much, and if it needs to be stirred, use a wooden spoon and separate the dried sugar around the pot in no way.
– It is better to use sugar to prepare marmalade, not powdered or powdered sugar, sugar makes marmalade clear and colorful. The best dish for making marmalade and jam is glazed dish.
When preparing jams and marmalades, it is better to keep them in an open container so that they do not stain badly.
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