Frost damaged 200 hectares of gardens Saffron North Khorasan
Secretary of Agriculture hazards Khrasanshmaly Agriculture Organization said the cold of winter to about 200 hectares of saffron fields in damage.
Abdul Namur in an interview with ISNA, pointed out that the area under cultivation in 1238 hectares in the province, said at the beginning of December this year, the air temperature to minus 13 degrees Celsius in some areas of the province that this would compensation to farmers who had not yet collected your product.
Stating that the current preliminary estimates of the damage done to the saffron fields and yet the end result has been announced, said the most fertile fields of saffron in the province of frost damage in the cities of Esfarāyen harvest season, has been Jajarm and Shirvan.
Namur in response to the question of what amount of damages gardens and fields are generally current cold weather has arrived province? Said the figures were announced last week, but after another review meetings to the conclusion that we have to estimate the damage.
Stating that the greatest damage to cereal crops such as wheat province, barley, sugar beet and rapeseed imported, explained: some estimate losses in terms of production costs and some damage products within the framework of which must be corrected.
The official said some products, such as wheat and barley planting season is still not over and farmers to grow these crops damaged by frost can be attempted again.
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