Reducing by 30 percent the farms Khalil Abad
Director of Agriculture Khalil Abad said the sharp drop in temperature in winter is continuous and reduced precipitation in February and March, the temperature rise in the summer, decreased to 30% compared to last year’s performance of farms.
M. Ahmadinejad in an interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), Khorasan region, said the work of the saffron harvest 4,000 acres of farms city started. The expected level of 11 tons of saffron is harvested.
He expressed that this joint project with the assistance of UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) to monitor how the implants and Khalil Abad running Mazdeh saffron in the village, said the project, with the help of an expert on agriculture for classes training and supervision of the saffron crop and as a pilot in the village Mazdeh Khalil city functions have been developed.
Ahmadinejad said in support of the saffron growers, 400 tons of chemical fertilizers have been distributed. As well as to increase productivity and disinfection of saffron bulbs and bulb quality and large, management experts regularly visits farms under construction is done.
He noted: saffron per hectare under cultivation and harvesting stage 200 working days is required.
Director of Agriculture Khalil Abad asked the saffron growers, post-harvest flowers to timely irrigation and use of fertilizers, urea and potassium chloride, and act according to agricultural experts. Also, farmers have had in relation to the fight against weeds and weeding the field and sprayed with a variety of chemical fertilizers and micronutrients not apply to a decline in performance in the coming years.
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