Rice halvah Saffron Recipe,Rice halvah,halvah Saffron,Rice halvah Saffron,How to make Rice halva, halva Rice , materials for halva Rice ,how to make halvah

Rice halvah Saffron Recipe

ingredients :

  • Rice flour = 1/2 glasses
  • Liquid oil = 1/4 glasses
  • Sugar = 3/4 cup
  • Water = 3 glasses
  • Corn starch = 1 spoon
  • Press = 5 seeds
  • Rose water = 1/2 glasses
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 1/4 glasses
  • Cinnamon powder = to the extent necessary (for decoration)

Instruction :

First, put a pot of 20 cm in diameter on a gentle heat and then rice flour.

But it should not be changed in color.
The only smell of raw flour is taken. We keep flour.
When the shape of the flour, such as the laundering powder powder seeds, was added, we added half a glass of flavorless, fluid oil. Only the flour and oil must be mixed and there is no need to eat.
If the color of the flour changes, you will no longer have the yellow color of the halva.
Remove the flour and oil from the heat, add a little heat, add the water, and heat it until the flour is dissolved in water. If you see that your flour is bullet bullet, pass through a filter of this solution. If boiling water is also available, when the oil and flour are mixed, add and bring boiling water to 3 cups. No other flour will be bulletproof.
Continue the heat and add the sugar and place it on the heat. We are constantly adding saffron mixed with hot water, and then adding the soaked wet (which is better to be dipped in the golub).
At the end of the work, add the starch, which is dissolved with 1 spoon of cold water, and leave for 5 minutes.
If you want to have a shapely halva, use 2spoon starch and slightly increase the amount of heat staying.
Now grease your templates. You can use the color of food for variety, I used coffee powder and cacao, and got three different colors and flavors.
This halvah can easily be placed in any shape and can be easily removed. When the liquid is halvah it is hot in molds.
After a few hours, put the brass pads in the bowl with cinnamon and pistachios.