roulette dates walnuts Saffron Recipe,roulette dates walnuts,roulette,dates,walnuts,roulette dates walnuts Saffron

roulette dates walnuts Saffron Recipe

ingredients :

  • Egg = 3 pcs
  • Flour = 5 spoons
  • Yogurt = 2.5 spoons
  • Sugar = 2 spoons
  • Dates = 20 pcs
  • Walnut = 5 pcs
  • Honey = 2 spoons
  • Sesame = to the required amount
  • Saffron = 1 spoons

Instruction :

1. Put eggs in a bowl to mix the whites and yolks of one hand.
2. Add yogurt to egg and stir.
3. Add sugar and stir.
4. Add flour and stir. Add saffron at this time.
5. Pour the resulting mixture into a pan that has previously been heated with 3 spoons of oil in a circle size of 10 cm in diameter to fry on both sides.
6. Dip the dates and mix with crushed walnuts and sesame and honey.
7. Put the ingredients into fried dishes and roll like roulette.
8. Cut the roulette into 3 centimeters, and if necessary, pour some cinnamon on it.