saffron better growth in the regions water in Iran

director of Agricultural Jahad said more than seven hectares of land in the township of saffron cultivation .

Ahmed Kara Bigelow said in an interview with Agence brings the Iranian Students ‘ News Agency (ISNA )- the central region added, with a view to comply with the product of saffron weather conditions and low water on the زرندیه of theproduct, the crop farmers by this region has begun.

He said, referring to the crop in areas of Iran due to the plant harmony with weather conditions and climate in whichadded low water consumption and replace the product on water products on the one hand and economic high added value from the other side of the farmers ‘ enthusiasm for the crop is increasing .

According to him, the employment of saffron to do in the provinces to an average of about 210 people, the day is seasonal, that in case of promoting its cultivation , employment and capacity will increase by an average of one billion and 250 million riyals from their saffron farmers harvest .

Kara Bigelow referred to the value of organic saffron cultivation also said the value of organic saffron crop cultivationin the shallow Iran ordinary figures with 40 percent price rises , which is to encourage farmers to grow red gold .

director of Agricultural Jahad went on to the government plan to provide the necessary facilities and saffron bulbs andready to support business as a saffron cultivation with low water needs and added : surface waters in the autumnmonths until early spring water supply the best solution required for saffron cultivation is that can be seen as one of the procedures of change in pattern .

He said: order to fulfil the economy in the resistance of small farmers , and rural households , the women of this strategic commodity in macro – economic programmes and agriculture , and promoting development plan that will continue.