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Gardening please Agriculture Organization of Khorasan Razavi said Saffron national and international transactions should be done through the Iran Mercantile Exchange.

Mohammad Reza holy in an interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), Khorasan region, stated: Due to the emergence of new trade competitors outside in addition to old rivals, sharp price fluctuations saffron, the presence of similar products with the name of Iranian saffron, unhealthy business competition and some exporters and foreign producers, especially the emergence of competitors and the absence of international brand names, trade saffron in Iran Mercantile exchange is essential.

Stating that can be brought saffron exports to more than a billion dollars, continued:The realization of this goal requires an increase in yield and production of saffron in the planning and organizing domestic and overseas market this product through the exchange mistakenly

Sacred pointed out that there are competitors like China and Afghanistan with lower production costs, in the next few years are considered potentially dangerous for Iranian saffron,The rising cost of production of saffron to show more interest and lack of prudence in adopting the principles, the future is likely to trade saffron.

Gardening please Agriculture Organization of Khorasan Razavi said 92 percent of the world’s saffron is produced in Iran must take the pulse of the market and allow countries that share decision-making are limited.

He said according to WTO rules in every country where 58 percent of a particular product or brand industrial production and global market supply can have a right to international exchange and The production policy, experts Prices, marketing and system monitoring technology is world-class products.

Horticulture Director of Agricultural Jihad Organization said that given the threats and opportunities offered by the supply and trade of saffron in Iran Mercantile Exchange can handle the global market and Control and product branding for the province and will also host the Iran Mercantile Exchange brokers agencies in this field,Of course saffron in small quantities in the exchange of goods offered in the past but after this distribution will be seriously saffron commodity exchange.

He said: Saffron standardization of production, price transparency, reducing the number of intermediaries and speculators in the market, prevent fraud in the trade of saffron, saffron branding Iran, the center of global trade, investment and financial market development and logical flow of money in this cycle and to strengthen and improve the efficiency of product distribution network that is part of the benefits of saffron market can be won through commodity exchange.

Qudsi said the market should not forget that the transition from traditional to modern international market, difficult and time-consuming, but have walked this path It should be noted that countries such as Afghanistan’s long-term plans for the takeover of saffron market.