Started harvesting saffron and red gold festival in Yazd Bahabad, Iran

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Director of Agriculture Bahabad the first festival held in the provincial city of saffron, red gold held in this city.

According to ISNA, “Ali Akbar Rahmatian” referring to the beginning of the harvest saffron farms Bahabad, said that on the publics that understand the capabilities of farmers in this region, particularly in saffron extract with good quality as well as promoting the cultivation of this plant is profitable, and Kmabkhvah, the first festival of saffron, red gold, with the participation of the twentieth Agriculture organization of Yazd province and the governor Bahabad Thursday of November in the auditorium of Allama Abdullo city Province will be held with the participation of farmers and administrators.

He said the city Bahabad due to climatic conditions for the cultivation of saffron is one of the suitable areas, adding that the city with the acreage of 270 hectares pole production in Yazd province is considered.

Saffron harvest Rahmatian special tours, visit Saffron fields, as well as exhibitions of products such as jams and packaging of the product from the festival side events outlined and public participation in identifying saffron Bahabad to domestic customers and external calls.

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