Saffron consumption increases happiness
Professor at Sistan and Baluchestan University said saffron consumption is effective in preventing depression, and according to today’s research, saffron has anti-depressant properties and attributes saffron-based, traditional and funeral properties based on traditional medicine.
Dr. Mullashahi, a botanist in an interview with Isna’s correspondent, added: “Saffron is a valuable foodstuff that is obtained in a small amount from the plant of saffron. In fact, from every 100 to 200 thousand saffron plants, about 5 kg of saffron flower is obtained, and 5 kg of fresh saffron comes to a kilogram after drying.
He added: Saffron is a seasoning and dyeing food. Saffron reduces fat and cholesterol levels. Relaxing saffron, appetizer, antispasmodic, anti-cardiac and cancer enhancer, memory enhancer and blood pressure lowering. Saffron is used to treat asthma, skin diseases, eye diseases, urinary tract infections, jaundice, menstruation, flatulence, stomach pain, and anemia. Saffron helps digest food and strengthens the stomach and is used as a housing especially for gum pain.
According to the results of this study, the use of saffron in food and drink at least one cup of saffron tea is recommended for relaxation, according to Mullashahi.
Millshahi pointed out: saffron is an enhancement of the mind’s focus and is effective in preventing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Saffron is effective in the treatment of nerve pain and low back pain. Saffron consumption in the diet prevents the progression of genetic diseases, and therefore its balanced consumption is recommended for the elderly and people with eye diseases.
He pointed out that saffron is effective in regulating the function of sight cells, protecting vision cells against damage, preventing the development of eye diseases, and restoring damaged eyes in the eye. Saffron is effective in treating retinal macular degeneration caused by aging.
Mullashahi added: Saffron has anti-cancer properties and acts as an anti-tumor agent and free radical scavenger. The antioxidant in the saffron has anti-cancer properties. The use of saffron prevents carcinogenic gene sequences and is effective in repairing damaged DNA molecules.
He said that excessive consumption of saffron is harmful, causing vomiting, lowering heart rate, bleeding from the nose, bleeding from the eyelids and lips, causing dizziness, lethargy, skin jaundice, and other harmful effects. Maybe these consequences can even lead to death. The consumption of three grams of saffron per person per month is very healthy and beneficial and consuming more than 5 grams per person per month is harmful. But taking 5 grams of saffron in a meal can lead to human death.
Mullahshahi said saffron gives food a special aroma and color, and therefore saffron in the food industry, such as sausage, in confectionery such as the preparation of cake powders, in pharmaceuticals such as antidepressants, in textiles such as silk cloth dyeing, In the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, it is used as a natural flavor and in the dairy industry.
According to ISNA, saffron is a perennial herb having onions. This bulb has a brown-colored pod. This plant is found in Southwest Asia. It has stems and 6 purple petals and 3 reeds are red. Duplication of saffron is commonly used by the gland underground (corm). The aroma of saffron is due to the presence of colorless tropenic essential oil and an oxygenate compound with cineol called safranal. The taste of saffron is related to the bitter citric acid picocrocin and the color of saffron is due to the presence of a substance called Crocin.
source: isna /ir
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