Why is saffron export reduced by 4%?
Tonem, vice chairman of Saffron National Council, said that exports of saffron in the first two months of this year decreased by 4% over the same period last year due to the smuggling of this product. Gholamreza Miri said: Most of these products are smuggled to Afghanistan and the United Arab Emirates. He said that in these countries the quality of saffron does not pay much attention, he stated: “One of the problems that exist in the export of saffron is taxes and assets that have caused problems for the activists of this sector and increased their tendency to smuggle. Vice President of the Saffron National Council said: “Given the fact that saffron is smuggled into Afghanistan and the United Arab Emirates and quality is not so important, in some cases it has increased the weight of saffron by adding some different materials and committing fraud. And sell. Referring to the increase in saffron crop area in the current year, Miri noted, “They now go to other provinces to buy onions to Khorasan Sarazvay and plan to plant saffron all over the country.” He added: “In addition to increasing the level of saffron, rainfall that occurred this year has led to a much higher yield and we see that saffron bulbs weigh up to 50 grams, and it is expected that harvesting will also increase significantly.
source: donya-e-eqtesad /com
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