Saffron flower market launch in Rashtkhvar

Saffron flower market launch in Rashtkhvar


A member of the Association of Farmers Rashtkhvar said with the help of the municipal council and Rashtkhvar, flowers market with 50 million rials credit with 6 stalls were set up.

Hussein Shepherd in an interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), Khorasan region, said farmers Rashtkhvar farmers after harvest to market product and per kg of flowers to sell at prices 40 to 50 dollars. The market is held every day after saffron harvest.

He continued in this city daily over seven to nine tons of saffron flowers are bought and sold.

A member of the Association of Farmers Rashtkhvar said the benefits of price stability to the market to buy and sell, to minimize the difference between the market price of saffron Rashtkhvar  other cities and focus control and sales in one place.

He pointed to recent droughts decrease of 50% of flowers in the fields Rashtkhvar city and said: Saffron is one of the strategic products and key agricultural sector Rashtkhvar . Last year more than seven tons of dry saffron harvest, but this year there has slowed.

Secretary of the Association of Farmers Rashtkhvar pointed to the importance of the market for flowers in directing funds to the agricultural area, said the creation of the market in complete circles strategic saffron production in the city is very efficient. The launch of this market in addition to income for farmers, due to the agricultural boom in the city.

According to ISNA, the city Rashtkhvar , 5,000 hectares planted saffron.