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Saffron harvest from 7200 hectares of lands in Kashmar city

The director of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi Kashmar stated that the area under saffron cultivation in this city is 7,200 hectares and said: Due to frost and decrease in rainfall and rising temperatures, production performance in the central part has decreased compared to the long-term average.

Seyyed Abolghasem Mousavi, referring to the harvest of saffron in 4700 hectares of lands in the central part and 2500 hectares of lands in Kuhsorkh district, added: it is predicted that with a yield of 3.5 kg per hectare, about 25 thousand and 200 kg of saplings will be harvested with desirable quality.

He stated that with the beginning of saffron flower harvest in the central part, the harvest in the Red Mountain part has ended due to the cold region, he noted: Due to frost and reduced rainfall and rising temperatures that damage the saffron onion Production performance in the central sector may be lower than the long-term average.

The director of Kashmar Agricultural Jihad also stated that training classes for saffron growers are being held regularly, adding: Care in choosing healthy onions, regular watering, weed control, proper nutrition and planning, observing hygienic points during harvest and drying Making sergeant will have a great impact on increasing the quality and quantity of the produced product.

Director of Kashmar Jihad-e-Agriculture, pointing out that Kashmar city has 12 thousand and 300 families using saffron and with a cultivated area of ??7200 hectares of saffron is in the third place in the province, said: considering the current price of saffron flower is about 5.8 to 5.12 million Tomans and the resulting income, which is equivalent to 253 billion Tomans, maintaining and promoting this position, which will ultimately increase the economic potential of the operator, requires serious attention of saffron growers to observe technical and health points and effective and dynamic communication with agricultural jihad experts.