Saffron is a commodity called Iran and traders in the world market , Commodity saffron in the name of Iran, Saffron harvest, Saffron cultivation, Economic prosperity in saffron, Medicinal plants, Commodity saffron in the name of Iran in the world market, Commodity saffron in the world market, Saffron in the world market

Saffron is a commodity called Iran and traders in the world market

While Iran accounts for more than 90 percent of the world’s saffron production, a small share of about five percent of the value added goes to Iran and Iranian farmers. It is in this context that Iran’s competitors try to steal Iran’s right to a global saffron market. And they have the name of Iranian saffron to be plundered.

While Iranian producers and exporters and, by nature, Khorasan farmers get the least benefit from the global saffron market, exporting this product in the form of non-oil exports can be the savior of the country’s economy and the main axis in achieving a resilient economy, but ignoring this point In the process of cultivation to export and marketing of this product, there is a strategy.

Iran is a unique producer of saffron in the world, but the comparison of the value and volume of exports of this valuable export product shows the bitter fact that its exports have not changed much in terms of weight, and although there have been changes in its dollar and rial value. The reason is the increase in world prices.

This bitter and thought-provoking situation occurs in a situation where saffron is in the group of products with great potential for job creation, economic development and currency appreciation for the country and increasing its production does not require large capital and in addition can be created by processing and packaging industries. Classification significantly increased its export profits.

Iran’s small share of the world’s red gold trade, while producing about 95% of this product, indicates the depth of the tragedy, and complaints about the cultivation and production of saffron in countries like Afghanistan or the packaging of Iranian saffron in Spain in that country are complaints that are ignored. The trustees have been silenced.

The establishment of this secretariat with the membership of government representatives and the Ministries of Jihad for Agriculture and Foreign Affairs, representatives of farmers and exporters is planned.

The designer of the World Saffron Production and Export Organization (OSEC), referring to the 11 countries’ membership in the World Saffron Producers Organization, said: Three short-term, medium-term and long-term periods have been designed for the formation of Osk in the domestic and international dimensions.

Mostafavi added: The short-term period includes research and consolidation, which takes one to three years, the medium-term period includes promotion and impact, which lasts three to six years, and the long-term period includes growth and productivity.

Referring to the activities of researchers and professors in the field of saffron in the field of Osk project for 10 hours a day, he clarified: for eight months, 30 hours of study is done daily in this field.

international goals of OSEC with Iranian saffron
The designer of the World Saffron Production and Export Organization (OSEC) said: In setting up OSEC, 17 grand goals, 14 special goals have been designed at the international level, as well as 17 strategies.

Mostafavi added: Among the goals of forming OSEC can be managing the global price of saffron, stabilizing and eliminating harmful fluctuations, providing a stable income for member countries, providing saffron to consuming countries efficiently and cost-effectively, creating permanent markets and discovering He mentioned new markets, creating a safe environment for saffron investment, creating a financial line of credit by reputable global banks, creating and organizing global saffron insurance, and promoting and expanding food products and saffron medicines.

He added: Increasing the global trade in saffron and its derivatives, combating profiteering, smuggling and fraud in the field of saffron, creating and launching a global saffron exchange, helping the growth of developing countries in the field of saffron and empowering production are other goals of OSEC.

The designer of the World Saffron Production and Export Organization (OSEC) said: Integrating global saffron standards, establishing a saffron safe fund, expanding and creating a saffron bank, creating a saffron experience bank, studying the needs and interests of consumers in the world, appointing a saffron advisor and ambassador in member countries The formation of national saffron companies in each country and the establishment of a saffron value chain innovation factory in the country are among these tactics.

Mostafavi also added about the strategies envisaged for OSEC: product identification and farmers, codified and continuous training of farmers at the international level, fair trade, registration of World Saffron Day, integration of saffron monitoring policies, introduction of saffron properties to the world, implementation of policies Or restrictions in some countries for saffron cultivation and fertilization of saffron field ideas are among the strategies.

He added: Among the values ​​that OSEC members must adhere to are the belief in a win-win relationship, accountability, the preference of the collective interest over the individual, adherence to international trade norms, the ability to tolerate differences, altruism and customer orientation.