Saffron producers is supporting in this province?
Director of Horticulture Agriculture Organization has stated in an interview with the producers of saffron in Hamadan Ayshna protected. Because of the drought and water shortages, the need for crops that require little water is very tangible way that some officials in other provinces are thought to have saffron production and increasing the acreage.
The oldest producers of saffron farmers in Southern regions have that kind of Iranian saffron crocus Cain as the oldest known and Shopping Ghayenat people is very important. This shows the quality of distribution of the product. So now, given that there is no planning on exporting saffron and saffron still not done as a reform in many provinces with the support of the authorities are thinking of saffron producing.
Certainly excessive production of saffron and without planning, especially in the provinces, which can produce agricultural products that require less water can be a huge risk for producers in the near future old saffron, and so for sellers and EXporters would saffron.
Saffron is currently sold at a price fixed and the largest producer of saffron crocus city in southern Khorasan and export of Iranian saffron is more of these areas.
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