Prepared with saffron mask for beautiful skin

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Looking for a great facial mask for your skin shine You? In this paper, how to prepare a mask of saffron, yogurt and honey will be familiar that does wonders on your skin.

From ancient times to the present day have some special ingredients that contribute to the blonde beauty. Saffron is the most popular one for me. Children in this good medicine tastes and expensive course I was interested. I saw how normal amount of saffron can change a brass plate and more attractive.

Strange flavors and spices of saffron flower is red gold. In just 28 g spices, saffron, 4.500 flowers used. Saffron has great healing properties and is used in a variety of treatment methods. These drugs can relieve cramps during menopause and fertility problems help to men. Fennel can also reduce stress, depression and sexual impotence is known as an amplifier. Use it topically to the skin could solve the problems such as dry skin, pale and help acne.

The valuable spice can help to clear up your face and skin glow. Use yogurt (rich in zinc and vitamins B) is natural lactic acid and enzyme mix it with honey, full of good saffron permits to penetrate the skin and affect further. Honey is a natural Hvmktant and keeps the skin supple and smooth. Saffron is a product that is about to be said for our country so it will not have prepared. The only obstacle that might exist, this medicine is very high price. Next we’ll face mask to show you where saffron is used and you can easily prepare yourself at home on your own:

A second cup of yogurt, preferably organic (from goat’s milk or sheep I have, which we prefer)
Three tablespoons honey
A tablespoon saffron (try to use saffron, which has proved its quality and its principles are not sure).

Very plain yogurt, honey and saffron combine to low gold color mode to take.
Then rub it on the face. Let’s stay on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.
Another method of adding a few drops of lemon, sugar and a few drops of coconut oil is one knuckle.
All was often said that it was with a masks that combine training before rubbing the face, let me 10 minutes.