Shrimp Dishes Chamber Saffron Recipe,How to bake shrimp sauce, how to cook shrimp sauce, how to prepare shrimp sauce, cooking training, cook site, baking chicken dishes

Shrimp Dishes Chamber Saffron Recipe

ingredients :

  • Rice = 2 and 1/4 cup cookies
  • Water for teats = 3 and 1/4 cup pillow
  • Shrimp Cleaned = 300 to 350 grams
  • Red Barberry = 3 spoon
  • Almond slice = 3 spoon
  • Parsley or Coriander Chopped = 3 spoon
  • Carrot Chopped = 3 to 4 spoons
  • Oil = to the extent necessary
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 2 veneers
  • Salt = to the extent necessary
  • Sugar = 2 to 3 teaspoons
  • Hot golden onion = 2 spoon
  • Onion = 1 pcs

Instruction :

Rinse the rice and pour salt after two or three hours on a flame and put two or three tablespoons of olive oil and stir one or two times gently until the water evaporates, then pour in oil in a pot of bread or potatoes to the bottom Use a pot and put the rice on it and collect rice round until it is tied up to the pot and spread it using a flame and lower the rice heat.
Mix almond slices and saffron mixed with hot water and place on an indirect heat (kettle, heater, samovar) to make it smoother and soften.
On the other hand, put two glasses of water in a pot of pot and place shrimp in it and add salt and turmeric and pepper and one onion, and after 5 minutes boil on a filter and put it aside.
Drink chopped carrots with a little water and add a little spoonful of sugar and add a little bit of oil.
Wash the barberry well and add a little sugar and oil, and turn off the flame. Barberry should not be dried too much, because it is dry and black in color.
Chopped parsley and mix all the ingredients with hot golden onion.
Decorate the rice cooked with rice or rice.