Shushtar Saffron rice Recipe,shushtar rice,Saffron rice,Saffron

Shushtar Saffron rice Recipe

ingredients :

  • Rice = 1 kg
  • Chicken fillet = half a kilogram
  • Baked beans = 2 glasses
  • Dill= 2 glasses
  • Fried Onion = 1 pcs
  • Saffron = 1 teaspoon
  • Spice, salt and pepper = to the extent necessary

Instruction :

Soak and drain the rice first.
Then fry a number of fried onions with sliced chicken fillet and add the saffron and season with spices and a pinch of water to boil until the water evaporates then add the chopped beans and cooked beans.
Add it to the ingredients and pour it into the soaked rice pad and bake for 45 minutes.