Sohan Honey Saffron Recipe,Sohan Honey,Sohan Honey Saffron,Sohan,Honey,Saffron,

Sohan Honey Saffron Recipe

ingredients :

  • Almonds = 150 g
  • Sugar = 150 grams
  • Honey = 2 soup spoon
  • Water = 1 small cups
  • Oil = 3 to 4 soup spoon
  • Saffron = 1 teaspoon

Instruction :

Cut the almonds in a slice or thinner. Put sugar, honey, oil and water in a soup, place it on the fire and heat, sprinkle the ingredients, keep the ingredients warm and brown. (Of course, you should not be caramel much.) Add almonds and add them one more time, then pour the watered saffron into the soup and heat it very softly. When the color of the material is sufficiently brown, immediately add a sweet spoon to the fatty tray and spray a little pistachio on it. After cooing, remove the souh with a knife from the tray, place it in the container and use it.

Nutrition Tips:
The whole material contains 1,200 calories of energy. If you make 20 sours of this material, Herxirini will have 60 calories. This sweetness is very beneficial to an ordinary person because it contains almonds, but if you have a slimming diet, you can only have one of them per day.