red saffron in LA

China’s motivation for smuggling saffron bulbs

By |2020-11-14T17:51:53+03:30December 23rd, 2017|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

China's motivation for smuggling saffron bulbs Gholamreza Miri, referring to the fact that, unfortunately, the bulbs of saffron, produced in Iran only in the past few years, were smuggled and cultivated by Afghans, said: "This year, besides Afghans, we have witnessed the criminalization of smugglers who helped Brokers are smuggling onion saffron. Referring to the great [...]

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enter of saffron into stock exchange is not fruitful

By |2020-11-13T11:43:58+03:30October 1st, 2017|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , |

enter of saffron into stock exchange is not fruitful Ali Hosseini, a member of the Saffron National Council, said in an interview with the reporter of the industry, trade and agriculture group of the young journalists' club, pointing out that the current conditions are relative stability and relaxation on the market, he said: At present, the [...]

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The main cause of price volatility arbitrage and abundant supply of saffron

By |2020-11-12T13:44:55+03:30May 1st, 2017|Categories: Medical properties of saffron|Tags: , , , , |

The main cause of price volatility arbitrage and abundant supply of saffron Saffron Saffron Retailers' Association chairman said, referring to price fluctuations brokering and abundant supply due to fluctuations in the market price of saffron. Gholam Reza Miri in an interview with ISNA, in relation to the situation said the price of saffron: Saffron price per [...]

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