red saffron in NEW JERSEY

Most of the saffron in the world is produced in Khorasan Razavi

By |2020-11-15T12:57:59+03:30January 28th, 2018|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Most of the saffron in the world is produced in Khorasan Razavi The cultivation of saffron in Khorasan Razavi province has contributed to an increase in the employment of smell and non-indigenous people and non-oil exports of Iran, and now it accounts for 95 percent of the world's saffron, 80 percent of it Khorasan Razavi is [...]

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learn how to make Saffron Panna Cotta

By |2020-11-13T11:10:32+03:30August 8th, 2017|Categories: Cooking with saffron|Tags: , , , |

learn how to make Saffron Panna Cotta Panna Cotta is an Italian dessert made with cream and gelatin inside the mold. This coffee dessert, vanilla and other types of additives are flavored. ingredients: 3 pcs. Milk Sugar 1 cup Cream a package Gelatin powder 3 tsp Vanilla 1/4 teaspoon Rose 2 tbsp Saffron to the required [...]

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