saffron importer to Cyprus

Iranian saffron producers from having the world

By |2020-11-11T20:16:16+03:30August 2nd, 2016|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , |

Member of the National Council of produce over 300 tons of saffron crocus in the country and said some money speculators his wanderings brought saffron to the market with the purchase and sale of the product to the producer and consumer harm, as if a serious intention to destroy the credibility of saffron Iran. Ali Hosseini [...]

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What is the virtue of saffron ?

By |2020-11-11T19:55:31+03:30July 3rd, 2016|Categories: Medical properties of saffron|Tags: , , , , |

What is the virtue of saffron ? saffron , which has a few years is onions onion with brown pod . The plant in southwest Asia , south of Spain and southwestern Europe is growing . have six and purple petals . the use of saffron plant orange flowers . saffron containing fat, minerals . proliferation saffron exclusively by the tumor hypogeous bene ( blind ) . odor saffron due to the essence . being saffron colored related to the name of kerosene substance . . saffron food is valuable to sprinkling of saffron plant is obtained from every 100 - 200 plant , about a thousand saffron 5 kg of saffron flowers comes 5 kg weight saffron , after the dry one kg . . . nutritional value of saffron saffron color detonators and a food saffron reduce fat and cholesterol . saffron , comforting appetizing , anti - spasm foreclose Earth , prevention of heart disease and cancer , strengthening memory and to reduce blood pressure . of saffron plant in the treatment of asthma , skin diseases , eye diseases UTIs , jaundice , before dropping menstruation, removing inflammation , treatment belly stomach pain and treatment of anemia is used. . saffron to digest [...]

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taking care of saffron

By |2020-11-11T19:55:37+03:30July 2nd, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

taking care of saffron After being suitable farm to break the solid earth from hoe and four Horn of metal or plough Iranians with depth at the subsequent used only on the ground . breaking the causes that the goals of the soil with ease and strong growth and desirable . After the first irrigation at a [...]

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