saffron in iran

Making the first film about saffron in Iran

By |2021-01-29T13:54:01+03:30December 5th, 2019|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , |

Making the first film about saffron in Iran Mohammad Hassanzadeh, the head of the Department of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Torbat Heydarieh in Iran, said: "The film has been directed and directed by Omid Eshghi, a graduate of the cinema. He added that the movie "Red Treasure" is a cinematic story featuring Tehran's cast and [...]

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The cultivation of more than 3800 hectares of saffron in Iran in Lorestan

By |2021-01-29T13:55:58+03:30November 18th, 2019|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , |

The cultivation of more than 3800 hectares of saffron in Iran in Lorestan Alireza Ahmadvandi, director of gardener of Lorestan Jihad Agriculture Organization in Iran, stated: The research center and Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization are to cultivate 3848 hectares of saffron in the province during 7 years. He added: "In the same vein, about 5 million USD will [...]

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12% Saffron Production in Khorasan Province in Torbat Heydarieh

By |2021-01-29T12:51:03+03:30July 31st, 2019|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , |

12% Saffron Production in Khorasan Province in Torbat Heydarieh Saeed Bastani, representative of Torbat Heydarieh, at the Saffron conference in parliament, arguing that if the chain of production and supply of saffron is in the form of a codified method, the government should not enter, therefore, the rural cooperative organization, with the understanding of this vacuum, [...]

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Saffron production reached 400 tons

By |2021-01-29T12:35:29+03:30May 15th, 2019|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , |

Saffron production reached 400 tons Mohammad Ali Tahmasebi, the deputy director of the Department of Horticulture of the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture, declared the area under cultivation of Saffron in Iran over 110,000 hectares and said that an average of 5,000 hectares will be added annually to the cultivation area of ​​saffron. He reported the growth of [...]

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Increasing the Saffron by 2% based on research findings

By |2021-01-29T12:24:49+03:30April 18th, 2019|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , |

Increasing the Saffron by 2% based on research findings Dr. Abdullah Mohafulabi, a member of the faculty at the Food Industry Institute, said that 80% of farmers are currently cultivating in August and September, said: "The best time to plant saffron is based on the research findings of the first half of June. He continued: At [...]

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3000 years old saffron work experience in the country

By |2021-01-29T12:25:41+03:30April 8th, 2019|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , |

3000 years old saffron work experience in the country Ali Hosseini referred to Saffron Productions in Kermanshah Chamber of Commerce in Kermanshah Chamber of Commerce for the first time of December. He said: "Of the 430 tons of annual saffron production in the world, 400 tons are produced in our country. He announced the cultivation area [...]

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Increased five thousand hectares under cultivation of saffron in Iran

By |2020-11-11T19:32:06+03:30May 21st, 2016|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Increased five thousand hectares under cultivation of saffron in Iran   Hashem Naghibi Saturday in an interview with IRNA reporter said from 69 thousand to 74 thousand hectares of saffron cultivation has reached that increase is relatively good. He added that a 15% increase in saffron production in Khorasan Razavi, production from 218 tons to 250 [...]

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Continue planting saffron farms in Zanjan

By |2021-01-26T18:41:55+03:30August 10th, 2015|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Continue planting saffron farms in Zanjan A breeding expert stated Saffron: Continue planting saffron farms in Zanjan form date Mehr  is in September. Mohsen Mohammadi interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) Zanjan area, said the province's climate is perfect for growing saffron and saffron cultivation in the province has been implemented in recent years. He [...]

seed saffron distribution in Amlash

By |2021-01-26T18:32:13+03:30August 5th, 2015|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , |

seed saffron distribution in Amlash Director of Agriculture Amlash said the city has 30 Saffron. According to the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) - Gilan region, "Massoud Amir servant" Today's meeting of the city distributing 1.5 tons of seed saffron farm in the city Amlash and said: This is in order to promote saffron field Kjyd [...]

Discover the smuggling of saffron bulbs Khrasanjnvby

By |2020-11-10T20:35:16+03:30June 9th, 2015|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Discover the smuggling of saffron bulbs Khrasanjnvby 12 tons and 800 kg of saffron bulbs chorus trafficking this year in the city in the Islamic Republic of Iran by the hard-working police officers, Islamic Republic of Iran was discovered. The group's Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), Khrasanjnvby region, Mr. Colonel, "brothers", the chorus police commander said, [...]

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