saffron rate

Revenue of 700 million rials for saffron farmers in Behshahri

By |2021-01-25T16:33:38+03:30July 4th, 2021|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Revenue of 700 million rials for saffron farmers in Behshahri November and December are the best times to harvest saffron.According to the management of Jihad Keshavarzi, the income of saffron farmers in this region is about 700 million Rials. With the planning done and the training given to the farmers of this city, about 8 hectares [...]

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250 dollars saffron rate increase during Ramadan

By |2020-11-11T19:13:09+03:30April 22nd, 2016|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , |

250 dollars saffron rate increase during Ramadan Member of the National Council of the saffron crocus price increase five percent over the past few days and said: Increased demand increases the price per kilogram of saffron base of four million and 250 thousand dollars to 500 thousand dollars was about four million. Ali - Head of [...]

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