supplier iranian saffron

saffron has no rate defined for this product

By |2020-11-10T20:18:54+03:30December 23rd, 2014|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

saffron has no rate defined for this product   saffron production and export markets are defined for this product rate the product bought from farmers in the hope of being able to sell more than a million dollars to keep their stocks. Saffron National Council continued: Ministry of Agriculture, which this year focuses on law enforcement [...]

Saffron cultivation tips

By |2020-05-23T20:39:51+04:30May 25th, 2014|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Saffron cultivation tips in different parts of Khurasan, depending on the climate of mid October to the first of November irrigation saffron can begin.  If the warmer weather, irrigation later and cold early in early October should be in the field of irrigation, irrigation early increase on Saffron cultivation the growth of the plant and irrigation late [...]

Saffron was 7 % cheaper

By |2021-01-26T17:48:02+03:30May 19th, 2014|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Saffron was 7 % cheaper Vice President of the National Assembly , stating that from 25 April to Saffron May fifths per kg price has increased about 22 percent , said five to seven percent of the 22 percent decline since May . from March 25 to April twentieth saffron farmers market do not apply to [...]

Saffron production in Iran is increasing in 2014

By |2021-01-26T16:59:21+03:30April 11th, 2014|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Saffron production in Iran is increasing in 2014 Director of Horticulture Agricultural Organization of Khorasan Razavi said the 92-93 crop year , more than 263 tons of dry saffron is produced in Khorasan that the rate more than 30 percent increase compared with last year's show. Club reporter reporters , adding the amount of saffron produced [...]

Learn more about Iranian saffron

By |2021-01-26T16:59:26+03:30April 11th, 2014|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Learn more about Iranian saffron Suitable weather Saffron : Saffron is a plant in subtropical areas with mild winters and hot, dry summer is going well . Saffron is high resistance against cold, but because of its growth coincided with the fall and winter and early spring are naturally in the proper air -proportioned needs. Sleep [...]

Iran provides 95 % of world saffron

By |2021-01-26T17:00:37+03:30April 9th, 2014|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Iran provides 95 % of world saffron Adulterated saffron final bullet on the health of people and the use of Cartesian substance in saffron consumers to counterfeit one step closer to death . President of the Association of Producers and Exporters of South Khorasan saffron -level talks with News said fake saffron -colored dangerous chemical that [...]

Saffron weed killer fungus was identified

By |2021-01-26T17:00:47+03:30April 9th, 2014|Categories: Medical properties of saffron|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Saffron weed killer fungus was identified South Khorasan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Agricultural Jihad said for the first time by researchers at the Center mushrooms, saffron and weed killer weed pastures were identified. Mohammad Kazim talks with the Islamic Republic News Agency said scientific name for the mushroom ALBUGO ARENOSE MIRZAEE by the [...]

Iranian saffron suppliers still tops the charts

By |2020-11-08T19:08:51+03:30March 30th, 2014|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Iranian saffron suppliers still tops the charts Saffron National Council , said the market can certainly say that for at least the next 10 years of Iranian saffron suppliers danger threatens . and today the global launch of saffron to meet their requirements , we are dependent . recognition of his valuable opportunity , as an advantage [...]

Pests of iranian saffron

By |2021-01-26T17:42:42+03:30March 29th, 2014|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Pests of iranian saffron Given the extraordinary importance of saffron and saffron in small areas of water and desert pests such as rodents, insects , and mites in vegetable crops , ruining the land and yield reduction can be seen . Pest damage since their creation have been identified include : 1-11 - Rodents Hedgehog Squirrel [...]

Machine to prepare saffron for sale

By |2020-02-27T19:17:12+03:30March 28th, 2014|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Machine to prepare saffron for sale Mohamed Haji Ahmadi interview with science journalist Iranian Students News Agency ( ISNA ) region of stating the problems facing the saffron for sale harvest , said: Saffron should be picked up before sunrise , otherwise the bees attacked the morning of saffron filaments will. He has caused this huge problem [...]

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