bulbs exodus from the country

By |2020-11-12T13:25:39+03:30February 12th, 2017|Categories: Saffron News|Tags: , , , , |

bulbs exodus from the country   IRNA reported the Ministry of Agriculture jihad , Syed Mohammad kiyaee bulbs , he said, adding that the number of plants in that its departure is illegal, added the offending people in this field and offenders against legal confrontation regulations . He said : the withdrawal of the bulbs with different devices , including staff counter - smuggling and law enforcement and follow up on this issue . kiyaee confirmed, saffron bulbs in all its forms and different names may be the country's eastern borders , especially the border with Afghanistan , according to the notification is scheduled to  organisations Khuroson Agricultural Jahad South and Razavi training to identify the saffron bulbs border guards to provide the eastern borders to prevent illegal . [...]