te chinese Saffron Shirazi Recipe,te chinese,Saffron Shirazi ,persian saffron

te chinese Saffron Shirazi Recipe

ingredients :

  • Rice = 4 cup
  • Eggplant = 4 pcs
  • Chicken breast = 400 g
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 1/4 cup
  • Eggs = 4 pcs
  • Yogurt Abstract = 2 cup
  • Melt butter = 1/2 cup
  • Salt and pepper = to the required amount
  • Cinnamon = Required amount
  • Barberry = to the required amount
  • Liquid Oil = to the required amount

Instruction :

Soak the rice in plenty of salt for half a day. Peel an eggplant, grate it and put it in salted water to remove the bitterness. An hour later, take them out, wash them and let them drain.

Now fry the eggplants and place them on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Season the grated chicken breast with salt, pepper and half of the saffron and fry in oil, then place in a bowl and let it cook.

Now, in another pot, bring the water to a boil and pour the soaked rice into it to boil and rise. Then drain the rice and pour hot water over it to remove excess rice salt.

Broken eggs, yolks separated them and stir well with a spoon. Then add the yogurt, salt and saffron and half of the cooled melted butter.

Mix the drained rice with this yeast and pour the bottom of a pan with butter and saffron and oil and let it heat up.

Now half of the rice into the pan. For this reason, we use a pan that has a low te chinese height. Cover the rice with chicken and eggplant and sprinkle a little cinnamon on them. Then pour the rest of the rice over it and squeeze a little with your hand to make it cohesive. Then put the pan on the heat.

Once the rice steam has risen, pour a little butter over the tahchin and let the tahchin brew over a gentle heat.
Then fry the pre-soaked barberry in another bowl and add butter and sugar when frying.
Turn the tahchin upside down after brewing and decorate with barberry.

Other tips:
If you want to bake tahchin in the oven, you have to pour it into a suitable container and heat it in the oven, which has already been heated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 175 degrees Celsius, for one hour.

Other tips
If you want to bake tahchin in the oven, you have to pour it into a suitable container and heat it in the oven, which has already been heated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 175 degrees Celsius, for one hour.
Pull the aluminum foil over the dish during cooking
At the end of cooking, remove the foil for 5 to 10 minutes and heat it on the grill until the two sides of the tahchin are toasted and golden.