tea properties of saffron

tea properties of saffron , especially the advantages of tea saffron , the benefits of tea saffron , traditional medicine and medical herbs – medicinal herbs

tea properties of saffron , especially the advantages of tea saffron , the benefits of tea saffron , tea saffron in traditional medicine, property , medicinal properties of tea saffron tea health benefits tea saffron , disadvantages tea saffron , traditional medicine, tea , saffron plant liquids , traditional medicine and medical herbs – medicinal herbs

saffron native plant in Europe and Asia, which is often conceptualized as dry as a spice and infusion . As all of you know what the spice much too expensive. This is because, about a thousand کلاله 400 plant saffron , only one kg of the spice in our hands.

Although saffron recently due to the expensive and awareness and understanding of medicinal plants that other people , in addition to being a good properties and size of saffron expensive , former popularity lost but the plant has several therapeutic qualities that some of them I mentioned .

reduce menstrual pain :

In previous years, saffron as an incentive for the menstrual mobility in women who used to regular monthly , was used. infusion of saffron plant to reduce hemorrhage cruel, facilitating the bloodshed and reduce the pain of menstruation .

Of course, this tea by pregnant women should not be used as a number of research has been seen that spontaneous abortions Jenin .


tea properties of saffron , especially the advantages of tea saffron , the benefits of tea saffron , traditional medicine and medical herbs – medicinal herbs

antidepressant :

saffron tea for treatment of depression . has been reported that a large amount of infusion or spice of saffron cause and joy .

prevent cancer :

saffron containing useful materials , according to scientific findings , these materials are beneficial different reactions to resist human cancer .

heart health :

According to studies , it was reported that tea saffron cholesterol from gathering in his veins , and to prevent this from heart disease .

palliate abdominal :

infusion of saffron for moderate – to – severe abdominal pains and upper abdomen . as well as the pain colon membrane also calm.


tea properties of saffron , especially the advantages of tea saffron , the benefits of tea saffron , traditional medicine and medical herbs – medicinal herbs

reduce blood pressure .

infusion of saffron containing substances to lower blood pressure. so saffron to prevent hypertension .

bad humor :

infusion of saffron incite vomiting and cough in order to relieve the pain , chest and stomach .


other benefits .

saffron tea for treatment of many diseases such as asthma, dry cough, skin, hysteria , gas , burning in his heart, sleeplessness and reduce precocious .

from other benefits of saffron is that hair growth behind locally .

Translation: Maryam nayeri – nutrition expert TBEA’s
