The best way to brew saffron
After grinding, saffron should be kept away from light and moisture and kept in a glass bowl.
Because, given that the essential oil (safflower) of the saffron is evaporated, if it is inappropriate,
Over time, its essential oils evaporate, and its medicinal effects and taste diminish and its quality is lost.
: ◊: Saffron: ◊:
: ◊: Cubes sugar or some sugar: ◊:
: ◊: Boiling water: ◊:
: ◊: Ice: ◊:
Teaching Drinking Saffron
First, take some saffron into a small butter with some sugar or 1 sugar cubes.
: ◊: For a softer and easier drying of saffron, use sugar or sugar: ◊:
: ◊: You can use the mill to grind saffron instead: ◊:
Then mix 1 teaspoon of crushed saffron with half a cup of boiling water and
Put on a bottle of saucer and put the cups on a kettle or rice cooker to cook.
: ◊: Water should be completely boiling: ◊:
: ◊: When pouring boiling water on saffron, put a piece of ice inside the stack to open the colorful saffron and obtain the perfect color and flavor: ◊:
:: If you do not use boiling water when brewing saffron and just add ice inside the saffron, the saffron will open completely.
: ◊: The higher the amount of zephoron becomes more colorful: ◊:
: ◊: The saffron must be washed: ◊:
You can keep the pulled saffron solution in the refrigerator for a week, but
More to keep saffron in the refrigerator will make the saffron flavor and properties disappear.
Saffron becomes softer in areas where humidity is high.
To dry the saffron, place it inside the microwave for 30 seconds or take a little heat on the heat to remove it.
source: humanfun .ir
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