The head of Khorasan Razavi Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources announced Unveiling of new technologies mechanized processing line of saffron

The head of Khorasan Razavi Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources announced


Unveiling of new technologies mechanized processing line of saffron

The head of Khorasan Razavi Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources unveiled the portable machine mechanized harvesting saffron flowers said.

The service of ISNA Khorasan region, doctor Ali Akbar confirmed that National Conference on Advanced Technologies harvest and post-harvest agricultural products on 29 and 30 February this year in Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Khorasan Razavi will be held.

He said the conference in partnership with the Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Jihad Organization of Khorasan Razavi Khorasan Agricultural Training Centre, the Centre for Agricultural Mechanization Development and the Agriculture and Natural Resources Engineering Organization will be held.

Moayedi such as the role of mechanization and new technologies to reduce waste, and use of sensors in precision farming technology to increase the efficiency of harvesting and post-harvest applications in sorting machines and new technologies, and commercialization of new technologies harvest and postharvest field crops and garden as part of the outlined topics of this conference.

The head of Khorasan Razavi Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources as well as the unveiling of new technologies in the field of harvest and post-harvest processing of crops like saffron mechanized line (separation stigma of flowers and dryer), a portable machine for harvesting flowers, combine Authority Tuesday rows, cotton Vashchin and combines self-boll cotton Azbrnamhhay Chinese side said the conference.

Moayedi added: Secretariat conference-mail address: ready to receive submissions and registration of applicants to participate in the conference.

He announced that the deadline for submission by 15 December 1393.