The planting of saffron in iran

Saffron cultivation and harvesting of the plants growing through the onion ( Cr ) occurs. Because the initial period after implantation 7-10 years in a row gives , the saffron is done exclusively in the first year and in the years after the operation to be carried stages and harvesting of saffron .
Favorable soil Usually sandy clay plus some urea ( 2 to 3 weeks before planting 25 to 30 tons per hectare ) is.
Duplicate Saffron : Saffron reproduced by creating new corms from the mother corm production is done . Fennel bulbs in the ground during the summer months remain inactive and stagnant growth and again at the end of the summer starts .
According to reports , several types are known to be cultivated in different countries .
Growing and harvesting of saffron harvest saffron flowers in mid -autumn harvest is usually common method of harvesting is by hand .
After watering the plants begin to grow saffron . South Khorasan saffron flowers from late October to early December , often appearing as soon as the first flowers Pydashdn farm , harvest begins.
Saffron harvest time depends on environmental conditions and farming . Harvesting operations on a farm flower lasts 20 days .
Handling and transportation of saffron in iran flowers during handling and transport, the following should be considered .
Flowers should be removable so that the flowers of mechanical damage and contamination of the environment should be maintained .
The accumulation of excessive compression during handling and transport to prevent blooming .
Flowers should be placed on the container to prevent mud entering mechanical damage .
In the long shipping time , to protect against mud and light pollution, the appropriate coverage on the flowers used.
In the long shipping time , to protect against mud and light pollution, the appropriate coverage on the flowers used.
Isolation of improving the quality of products is effective immediately saffron in iran stigmas at the time of separation to maintain the best temperature for drying is fridge temperature .
Isolation of improving the quality of products is effective immediately saffron stigmas at the time of separation to maintain the best temperature for drying is fridge temperature .
Drying fresh saffron For longer storage should be dry . Drying method is evaluated and saffron . Special aroma of saffron drying effects compositing hydrolysis Esherishia ( saffron flavoring agents ) and free Safranal ( the fragrance of saffron ) is produced .
Iranian traditional method involves drying the saffron in iran shade or dry room for about 8 to 12 days. This proliferation of microorganisms and increase the possibility of contamination and loss of color strength of enzyme activity due to long drying time there.
Method Spanish saffron silk and the average temperature on Alki Lace network about C ° 50 – 60 indirect heat for 30 to 60 minutes to be put .
In this method than traditional Persian or dried in the open air, appear and fungal contamination is limited .
Saffron is offered to the market in different ways :
Saffron flower heads
Saffron Category
Saffron empty
Saffron powder
saffron in iran is maintained after the drying and cooling , put the saffron into suitable containers . May Saffron Glass, polyethylene bags (LD), jars polyethylene (HD) or layer aluminum bags are packed .
saffron in iran should then be placed inside carton package to avoid compression during transport to be put in wooden boxes or metal .
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