The presence of brokers has reduced the price of saffron flowers

The presence of brokers has reduced the price of saffron flowers, saffron flowers, saffron cultivation, saffron growers, saffron flower price, saffron harvest, sale of saffron flowers, price of saffron flowers

These days, in most of the cities of Khorasan Razavi, saffron flowers are picked and cleaned by workers, a product that has made the province famous in the country and in the world as the red gold.
Taybad is one of the cities that has been dedicated to cultivating this crop this year due to the favorable weather conditions and the fertile land of saffron cultivation of 6850 hectares of its lands, but nevertheless saffron farmers are complaining about the price situation in the market.
They complained about the presence of brokers and intermediaries who reduce prices for producers in the market.
Farmers this year, considering the weather conditions, considered the harvest of this product to be very high and said:
Harvesting of saffron is very high this year, but the lack of workers and the increase in the rate of clearing flowers on the one hand and the presence of brokers have been very effective in reducing the price of this product. Therefore, the farmer is forced to sell flowers at a low price through intermediaries.
One of the saffron growers said: “We harvest about 100 kilos to 150 kilos of flowers a day, but the cost of collecting and moving to Mashhad to clean is nothing but a loss for us.”
In Taybad Kargar or “Farken” is low and the price of their wages is higher than the price of flowers, which is why the flowers remain. Therefore, to prevent spoilage, we transfer the flowers to Mashhad for cleaning, which is also a benefit for us. does not have.
Another farmer called the saffron support purchase plan a support for compensation and added: “Production work, especially agriculture, requires money in addition to a lot of effort. .
With this plan, the saffron maker is sure to sell his product and does not have to give in and sell the product at false prices.
Another saffron grower from Taybadi, who owned 6 hectares of saffron land, said:
It is true that rain causes damage to saffron, but this is not the only reason for the decrease in price, because saffron flowers are harvested daily, and so far it has rained once in Taibad since the harvest of this crop, which did not cause any damage. It has caused damage;
Also, the abundance of flowers has been another factor in lowering the price because the competitive market has risen.
Referring to the supportive purchase of saffron in Taybad, he added:
This has caused us to give our product to the center and receive our money without worrying about the existence of a sales market or brokers.
Prices are estimated based on the type of saffron and a good product has a higher price; If the same situation had fluctuated by market intermediaries before this plan, it would have hurt the farmer.