The price of saffron in domestic and foreign markets is not fair , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Saffron harvest, saffron export, Iranian saffron export

The price of saffron in domestic and foreign markets is not fair

A member of the board of the National Saffron Council, stating that the price of saffron has not fluctuated much in recent months, said: The price of saffron in domestic markets and even export target markets is not fair and saffron growers received only part of the value of their efforts to produce the most valuable agricultural product. They say that this is not fair.

Ali Hosseini stated that with the arrival of summer, we will gradually approach the harvest of saffron in 1400, said: Despite the growth of saffron exports in the corona, but some saffron is still in storage and we hope to harvest in the next few months. This remaining amount should be taken out of the country and we should not worry about saffron deposition.

He continued: in production and trade, we must pay attention to real statistics. If we are to be content with the hypotheses and proceed from production to export based on unrealistic statistics, we may betray production. Because the manufacturer and the exporter adapt themselves based on real information.

The member of the presidium of the National Saffron Council added: The relevant institutions in the matter of saffron should seek the opinions of the National Saffron Council in their decisions and there should be a consensus. Because this council has information from production conditions to exports. Unfortunately, this does not happen and the National Saffron Council is not consulted in decisions.

He said that saffron is leaving the market calmly and its price has not fluctuated much at the moment, adding that the price of saffron in domestic markets and even export target markets is not fair and saffron farmers are only part of the value of their efforts in producing the most valuable agricultural product. They realize that this is not fair.

Hosseini, in response to the question of what problems saffron growers are currently struggling with, said: The main problem that the agricultural sector currently has is drought, and it should not be simply ignored. Although plant saffron is compatible with dehydration, but this issue is not ineffective in the performance of farms.

He said that another problem of saffron growers is price instability, he said: due to the mass of saffron cultivation and the lack of equipment and machinery for collecting and processing flowers in the harvest season, we face a lot of saffron flowers and at this time brokers of opportunity They use it and buy saffron flowers on the fields at low prices and bring them to the market. As a result, the price of saffron will fall and the small saffron growers who hope to sell their products will suffer.