The third purchase of saffron support in Khorasan from Taybadi farmers

Taybad farmers,Taybadi farmers,saffron support in Khorasan,The third purchase of saffron support in Khorasan from Taybadi farmers,iranian saffron,

The head of Taybad Rural Cooperative Office said: one third of the saffron delivered to Khorasan Razavi Rural Cooperative Organization has been purchased from Taybadi farmers.

Baqer Khodadadi said: Since the beginning of the plan to support the purchase of saffron, 11,500 kilograms of dry saffron have been purchased from Taybad farmers.

Referring to the 50% welcome of Taybadi farmers to the saffron support purchase plan, he added: This project will be implemented in this city for the second year And it will continue until the end of the year And farmers have been very happy with the past year.

Khodadadi stated: Since the beginning of this project due to the welcome of farmers Saffron Support Shopping Centers in Taybad And Bakhrez in Khorasan Iran and in Taybad daily up to 300 kg Dry and high quality saffron is purchased in this city.

He said: After final approval, saffron is classified according to the type of quality And will be sent to the center of the Rural Cooperative Organization of the province After that, 30% of the expert amount of saffron approved to farmers And the remaining 70% will be paid in a short time during the contract.

The head of the Taybad Rural Cooperative Office said: Last year, 7 tons of dried saffron In the support plan, saffron was purchased from Taybad farmers And this year, more than 14 tons of this product are expected to be purchased.

He stated: Due to the climatic conditions in Taybad, saffron cultivation It is one of the most popular products in this region And now this city has 6,850 hectares of saffron cultivation area It annually produces more than 20 tons of saffron.