The width of the red desert

The width of the red desert


Zarand city farms these days seems to be redder than ever and in the harvest time Red Desert barberry and saffron width is more beautiful than ever.

According to the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), the desert region, due to the limited water resources in the province, by changing cropping patterns, such as barberry and saffron products in addition to generating income, employment and exports, pistachios are a good alternative to so Farmers have welcomed the desert from this well.

Director of Agriculture Zarand city, said city of Zarand, according to the weather cold climate crops such as saffron and barberry capacity is suitable.

“Ali farmer,” says the beginning of the harvest is predicted barberry garden city of Zarand city farms produce 700 kilograms of dry barberry.

Farmer continues due to successive droughts and water shortages, rural farmers to grow saffron and barberry acted Dashtkhak Zarand, Barberry, like saffron requires very little water compared to other crops and planting barberry product of 86 years Dshtkhak began in the city of Zarand.

Director of Agriculture said that the city of Zarand currently has 11 hectares planted this crop, says cultivation of this product barberry five hectares of fertile and non-fertile six hectares.

Farmer adds an average of 140 kg per hectare of dry crop harvesting and production estimates in this city of 700 kg dry barberry.

Stating that barberry finest in the region of Zarand Dashtkhak be considered for removal of barberry in the city of Zarand in a week and said the farmers to expand the area under cultivation of good in mountainous areas prone and management support farmers serious.

The origin of the red gold of the desert city of Zarand as having the highest cultivation of saffron production Kerman first place as well.

Director of Agriculture city of Zarand says Dashtkhak 170 hectares of land in the area, saffron is cultivated Sorbonne and hotkan Zarand city and is forecast this year, about 800 kg of saffron is harvested from farms in the city.

Zare’i regions and municipalities Dashtkhak saffron-rich city of Zarand, Srbnan, Jrjafk and hotkan as the average saffron harvest four to five kilograms per hectare of land in the region, he said.

She said as saffron bulbs needs little water, farmers in the area of ​​cultivation had tremendous support, as this acreage has increased 10 hectares of saffron in the city of Zarand.

Farmer continued employment saffron harvest in Zarand city is 12 thousand people daily.

Director of Agriculture city of Zarand says the city of Zarand, due to cold weather climates for growing barberry capacity as well.

He said: Because of saffron bulbs needs little water, farmers in the area of ​​cultivation had tremendous support, so that this year, the area under cultivation has increased 12 hectares of saffron in this city.

Farmer says one of the farmers of the region, this year’s performance, twice the harvest of saffron.

Director of Agriculture Zarand says the drought of the past few years and has unintended and uncontrolled exploitation of aquifers, the region has been experiencing problems with the water supply in various sectors, and hence many water wells in total agricultural area The remaining wells dried up and water flow have declined.

Farmer only way to deal with the water crisis modified crops and alternative products to replace products of high water, low water, and he says the 17-year drought, excessive water withdrawals from aquifers and underground storage Today the city has a problem that if the Management is not associated consequences for the future.

Zarand governor also pointed to the water crisis, says alternative crops such as saffron and barberry that need little water in the city followed.

“Habibullah dagger,” says crops should be modified to deal effectively with water and placed in this context grants to farmers.

He said the city of Zarand, 210 hectares of which 160 hectares are under cultivation of saffron is fertile and in the current crop year acreage compared with last year, the five-fold increase.

Dagger adds the output indicator of good farmers in the cultivation of alternative crops for farmers Zarand city and low water support.

Zarand’s governor said that with the support of Agriculture and farmers working in the shadow of the agricultural sector, the city turned to the production of saffron province focuses on improving crops and says to crops that require less water, such as saffron and barberry cultivation be.

According to ISNA, the city of Zarand in Kerman province ranks first saffron harvest is dedicated to the cultivation and in the current crop year compared to last year increased 5 times.