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Treating Stomach Pain with Saffron

Nutritionist Mohammad Taghi Anousheh said in a conversation with a journalist’s correspondent: Saffron is a herb with onions and no stems, which is used extensively due to its aroma, flavor and colorfulness in foods, confectionary, perfumery and pharmacy.

He said the most important compounds in saffron, which makes it yellowish, are derivatives of Kristen and Samsonal, and emphasized that saffron helps to digest naturally and to strengthen the stomach, due to its antioxidant properties, its properties Anticancer also has.

He said: “This high-priced plant has the effect of lowering fat, cholesterol, and increasing oxygen penetration in plasma, which researchers have gained after experimenting with these results.”

Anoushe said: In traditional medicine saffron is used as a sedative, anti stress, appetizer and stomach enhancer.

In some countries, such as Germany, it is used to treat stomach pain.

He said saffron consumption could help treat blood pressure, iron deficiency in women and reduce heart attacks.

Anousheh remarked: “Saffron must be kept away from light and moisture when the mill is in order to avoid its essential oil.

source: yjc /ir