Types of Saffron

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Usually saffron production in Iran is divided into several forms . One of the terms used in this area has long been a bolt daughter Saffron .

This kind of saffron contains the stigma and cream ( the red and the white or saffron yellow) is in the hands of the so-called standard Iranian Persian saffron strands also called grade 4 , and abroad as it is saffron bunch ( batch) or Red & White ( Red and White ) know.

The red part of the roots of this kind of saffron should be between 75-70 % or about 30-25 % of its corners .

Newer names that later became customary saffron crocus flower heads or slang terms in standard tip is cut Iran threaded batch was produced from saffron , the yellow parts of the case with the scissors and then using static electricity to separate red and saffron were clean and fully achieved in English is All-Red ( completely red ) and say the same Saffron Coupe Coupé ( cut or cut ) is called .

. What is certain is that the power of color ( crocin level ) and quality of the saffron crocus bouquet is much lower than other types , as well as the drying method of drying is delayed and is actually part of the power of color in the drying process Dhysh loses the quality is lower .

Contrary to the results of scientific studies and analyzes conducted some think saffron roots or corners hands and even more aroma .

This is totally wrong , because the origin of the active ingredients of saffron ( Corsini , Pykrv Corsini and Safranal ) Corsini , particularly in the stigma and the movement of these substances in plant tissues were transferred to the stigma of self- jaundice ( corners), not only they do not contain significant amounts (compared Baklalh ) but the Corsini is zero .

The aroma is also just the fact that due to the type of plant tissue has the ability to absorb more moisture from the stigma , it seems essential .

When we separated the hands of saffron crocus flower heads , roots, or white in the corners or white Persian saffron in Europe it’s white ( white ) or style ( cream ) are known , we can not actually take it apart and Saffron should be considered .

This material is known and defined corners saffron crocus do not include it .