History of saffron cultivation in Iran (especially Saffron Khorasan) can be traced back to over 3000 years ago.This colorful and precious plant for several years, without stems and onions and when it comes to the desert soil, the red gold or gold desert known.Of approximately 150 thousand flowers, a kilogram of dried saffron obtained.Flavor and fragrance of saffron color and higher frequency applications in the manufacture of food products, pharmaceutical and chemical and the cultivation and production constraints, is one of the more expensive products.
Iran, with an average of 90 to 93 percent of total world production of saffron (between 200 to 300 tons per year), this leads Spain, with an average production of 25 tons, second and India, Islands Asprvn Russia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, China, France, Italy, Germany, Australia, Greece, with average production of 25 tons of total third account.The main breeding plants, desert and arid areas of South Khorasan and the history of saffron in this area 700 years ago dates.
Around 230 tonnes of saffron are produced worldwide each year, more than 170 tons in Khorasan is achieved.Khorasan produce about 170 tons of saffron production share of 75.5%, ranking first in the country has.Mashhad, Khorasan is located in one of the city’s commercial saffron is considered.
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