Without Batter Saffron Recipe, Oven Pizza, Oven Pizza Cooking, Oven Pizza Making, Oatmeal Pizza Ingredients

Without Batter Saffron Recipe

ingredients :

  • Medium onion = 2 px, equivalent to 200 g
  • Grated Pizza Cheese = Two yogurt bowls, equivalent to 200 g
  • Pizza cheese = half a cup
  • Canned peas = 50 grams
  • Tomato paste = 2 spoon, equivalent to 80 g
  • Chopped parsley = two spoon, equivalent to 10 grams
  • Stuffed Meat = A marble bowl, equivalent to 250 grams
  • Egg = 7 pcs
  • Oil = half a cup, equivalent to 50 grams
  • Salt, turmeric and pepper = to the required amount
  • Saffron = 1/4 teaspoon

Instruction :

Add two onions in half a cup of fried oil, add some turmeric.
Separate half the pistol (no oil) and put aside.
Dissolve two teaspoon of teaspoon in a cup of water and we’ll lean in the rest of the pizzerias.
Then add the minced meat, a little salt and pepper and add it.
Add half a cup of canned peas to prepare the meat.
We then tilt the pan down to separate the oil.
Seven eggs, two tablespoons of parsley Khrdkrdh, saffron and water, remove the fried onion, a little salt and pepper mixture, beat until the egg would be achieved.
Separate the meat oil from the liquid, and place it on a flame in a large frying pan.
The source added egg, put in pan for 5 to 10 minutes until eggs are almost closed.
Add some cheese, then add the meat and put it on the cheese again.
Put the pan into the pan for about 5 to 10 minutes to melt the cheese. We turn off the flame now.
Distilled egg pizza and then cut it to prepare for dinner.